Making Things

Making things

One of my favorite things to make are pouf buttons. Little squares of selected fabrics, are poufed into buttons...just like that. Easy & fun! I'm for that!

Now surely, I wasn't the inventor but I've been making these for various projects for quite some time. I'd rather make things than buy them. When I can.

green poufs

It adds a bit of special to a project and I do have one in the works.
I joined a stitching group, you can check it out on my sidebar. An embroidery blog hop of some selected designs. Sounded like fun so I joined in.
I picked my design and figured out what I wanted to do with it, that took all afternoon.
so now I'm pulling threads, fabrics & making poufs.
I made so many pouf buttons that now I think, I need a bigger jar.

poufs in a jar

I have a button, on my sidebar for these and some more things coming. It's all about 'Making Things' version.  There are those special tools and bits & bobs, that we just have to buy. In some cases, we just want them. But what about those things we really can make ourselves?
Possibly, I am a simple girl who likes to make things from nothing...
It makes me happy is all.
So, when you get a moment...check out the side button and view how I make these.
Let me know what you think and if you make something, instead of buying.
I would luv to hear from you!

fabric poufs

now....I must get back to that stitchy project.
til next time......susie


  1. Thank you so much Susie for your kind words about my little bunny!
    I'm loving your little pouf buttons, especially the green spotty ones. :)
    Vivienne x

  2. pretty blog. happy to see you


Leaving a Little Note here makes me Smile